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I got my letter from disability. I was denied.

Even though I knew there was a big chance of that happening I was still really upset at first. Things they said in it were not exacty true either and that really upset me.

Not the exact words but they basically said I was denied because even though I have back and neck pain, I do not have weakness or loss of feeling in limbs...

Well neck and back pain was really never much of an issue. But weakness, pain, numbness and tingling in my arms and legs is a HUGE problem. I wrote about that on my application. To be told I dont have that was really ridiculous.

I am obviously appealing it and I spoke with a lawyer today who I most likely will be having represent me. They seemed very helpful and said they want my case and believe I will be able to fight this. It felt really good to have some one on my side who doesnt even know me. I will be speaking with them again tomorrow to make my final decision but it all sounds good.

Hopefully this process doesnt take too long. Im not sure thats probably the only question I didnt ask.


It has been pretty hot outside lately. I wish I felt up to doing something, anything. I havent been feeling well. Legs are killing me and the pain in my liver and abdomen is pretty annoying. All I have really been doing is catching up on Orange Is The New Black. I just started the series. Im late I know. I couldnt get into it before but now I really like it.. almost on to the 2nd season.

Well once I have more info on my disability case I will update.

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